Children Matters
Disputes involving children
Our specialist solicitors are experienced in dealing with disputes where children are involved. These can be particularly distressing and require depth of knowledge and extreme sensitivity.
We recognise that your children are your absolute priority when considering the effects of relationship breakdown. We always aim to provide you with holistic advice which has your children’s welfare at the heart of the matter throughout.
We understand that disagreements often arise as to what is in your children’s best interests and we are able to assist you with a number of issues to include:
- where your child/children are to live
- contact issues – whether you are a parent or an extended family member such as a grandparent
- obtaining ‘parental responsibility’ status in your child’s life
- changing your child’s name or objecting to a change
- obtaining consent or objecting to specific issues surrounding your child/children such as moving away from the area or changing school
- child maintenance
Matters are dealt with sensitively and all attempts are made so as not to inflame issues further
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