Christmas Contact Arrangements
For separated families with children, it can be difficult for parents to reach agreement in respect of contact arrangements over the festive period.
Christmas contact is an extremely sensitive and emotive subject as both parents would of course like to spend this special time with their child/children. However, it is inevitable that parents will need to accept that this time will have to be shared, with the child/ren spending Christmas morning and perhaps even the entire day with one parent.
There are however, several arrangements that can be made to ensure that your child spends quality time with both families. Consideration could be given to the child spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the one parent, with the other collecting them on Christmas Day evening or even Boxing Day morning and there being somewhat of a second Christmas Day celebrated during that time. This can then be alternated on an annual basis so that each parent has the opportunity of spending time with their child/children on Christmas Day itself.
If you have not already done so yet, you should contact your ex partner with a view of agreeing Christmas arrangements now – if you are unable to reach an agreement, then we can provide you with legal advice with a view to a letter being sent to your ex partner in an attempt to resolve matters as early as possible so that everyone can plan their festive season.
If you would like advice on this matter, please contact our Family and Matrimonial Solicitor Michelle Smith on (01267) 237441, who will be pleased to help you – we also offer a free 30 minute consultation.